Monday, March 7, 2011

Future Reads

Here is a list of some books I'd like to read in the future. If you've read them, please let me know if you enjoyed them or not. Also, if you'd like to recommend any others, please feel free. I'm always looking for new reads and love to read the ones that others have recommended. I like almost all genres and LOVE trying out new authors. Thanks!

Ender's Shadow--Orson Scott Card
Homebody--Orson Scott Card
Enchanted--Orson Scott Card
The Witch of Blackbird Pond--Elizabeth George Speare
Bronze Bow--Elizabeth George Speare
Calico Captive--Elizabeth George Speare
Quest for a Maid--Frances Mary Hendry
Killer Angels--Michael Shaara
Illusion--Paula Volsky
Perilous Gard--Elizabeth Pope
Andromeda Strain--Michael Crichton
Freakonomics--Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner
Why Gender Matters--Leonard Sax
Ranger's Apprentice series--John Flanagan
The Sevenwaters Trilogy--Juliet Marillier
Teach Like Your Hair is on Fire--Rafe Esquith
The Lost Hero series--Rick Riordan
The Red Pyramid series--Rick Riordan
Beggars in Spain--Nancy Kress
Nailed--Patrick Jones
Numbers trilogy--Rachel Ward
Inferno--Dan Brown
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas--John Boyne
Sarah's Key--Tatiana de Rosnay
Bossypants--Tina Fey
The Secret Life of Bees--SueMonk Kidd
Black Boy--Richard Wright
The Count of Monte Cristo--Alexandre Dumas


  1. Have you never read Enders Game?!?! I'm shocked! after you read that one then you have to read Enders Shadow, it's like the same story from a different charactors perspective and it's FANTASTIC. I Love Card, I think he is a pretty diverse author. Lots of sci-fi but then he's got a whole line of mormon books (I haven't read those ones though) and some more fantacy stuff too. I liked Homebody and Enchantment by him. I have them if you ever want to borrow them.
    How to Kill a Mockingbird was good too, I read that one for some class in highschool... don't remember which one though, maybe AP Lit. Another book we read in that class that I enjoyed was The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde.
    Please add Beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress to your list. It's sci-fi and such a good read. I found it very thought provoking.
    If you want to read some books that don't have an active copywrite on them you can download them for free to your kindle at
    My brother Jake wrote a book called Dark and Day that you can buy on Kindle for 99cents. I'm just reading it now. So far it's pretty good but (and maybe it's just because he's my brother) you can kinda tell its his first book.

  2. Thanks, Jenny! I'll definitely add those to the list. I didn't know Jake wrote a book. That's pretty sweet! I'll have to get that one. Especially if it's only a buck on Kindle.

    My teacher RAVED about Ender's Game. I think that will be the next one I read. It sounded really interesting.

    I wish I would have taken AP Lit. I took AP Lang. I sure learned how to write essays, though! haha!
